A Chosen Collection: Harry John Hyams, Connoisseur Collector and his remarkable collection at Ramsbury Manor

Paul Crane FSA

Harry John Hyams was one of the most enigmatic and energetic collectors of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. Shrouded in secrecy his modus operandi was to collect the very best of many disciplines across the Art World that was to include one of the finest collections of Decorative Arts ever assembled. The collection is displayed within his Country Home at Ramsbury Manor, now administered through his beneficial gift by the Capricorn Foundation. The collection displayed at Ramsbury reveals insights into his own unique character and is a tribute to his astonishingly high calibre of knowledge and his indefatigable eye as a great Connoisseur Art Collector. The lecture will concentrate on his vast English and Continental Porcelain collections which he began to collect when he was in his early 20’s and finished the day before he died in December 2015.

G Haughton